Interview– Carly Cosentino: Persevering Through Life's Obstacles
Carly is a true friend with a delightful laugh, and a go-getter with a list of impressive accomplishments, but what I most admire about her is her faithfulness to the Lord during hard times. These include being a gifted musician though deaf in one ear, loving running and races but dealing with debilitating injuries, and having the deep desire to be married but remaining single for longer than anticipated. Carly refuses to let life’s troubles get her down for too long; she deliberately chooses to seek Jesus, trust Him, and be grateful. You’ll be encouraged by her EXTRAordinary life.
Notes: Carly mentions several resources that she has found very helpful:
The One University at
Podcast: The Heart of Dating by Kait Warman
LifeSkills, an international Christian Counseling course, at
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